Active Schools

Get Off Your Seat and Move Your Feet
The Active School Flag (ASF) is awarded to schools that strive to achieve a physically educated and physically active school community. The process aims to get more schools more active more often. At Rathcormac N.S. we are working towards achieving our first Active School Flag. All staff and pupils are continually striving to promote a healthy and active school.
Schools wishing to achieve the ASF begin the process by self-evaluating their current provision across 3 areas: Physical Education, Physical Activity and Partnerships. Schools must also organise an Active School Week programme and commit to having it as part of their annual school calendar. Schools that can say ‘yes’ to all of the ASF success criteria will be awarded with the active flag.
The first task was to establish an Active School Committee, every pupil in the school had the opportunity to put themselves forward for nomination, candidates then presented their aims to the classes and pupils went to the polls and voted to select their class representatives.
The 2022/23 Active School Committee can be seen in the photo attached.
Break Times
From our recent student survey we discovered that 98% of pupils in our school enjoy break time and lunch time. We have two breaks throughout the school where the students are encouraged to go outside and play. Our yard is zoned according to class levels and activities. We are so lucky to have such a wonderful outdoor space which includes two football pitches, a handball wall, basketball court, tarmac area and lots of green spaces.
Each classroom has a basket packed with sports equipment which students are allowed to bring outside and play with during break times. We are currently updating and adding further equipment to our baskets.
Rathcormac National School, Rathcormac, Co. Sligo | Phone: 071 914 3962