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Rathcormac National School, Tully, Rathcormac, Co. Sligo
Enrolment We will be accepting enrolment applications from the 4th of February to the 4th of March 2025.Please contact school office on for further details.If your child is named on our intake list for this year you will automatically be contacted on 4th February.Thanking you
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Ms McGillen’s new hairstyle 💇

15th Nov 2024

Ms McGillen decided before midterm to donate her hair to the Laura Lynn Hospice Locks of Love fundraiser. Today Friday the 15th November at a special assembly we welcomed Stephanie to the hall to cut Ms Mc Gillen’s hair .

There was great excitement as the whole school watched as MsMcGillen’s plait was cut and carefully wrapped to donate to the charity. Thank you to Stephanie for her hairdressing skills. 

Over €800 was donated through the school adding to the €2,000 collected via her idonate page. We would like to thank you once again for your generosity .We are very grateful for your continued support for all the charities which are special to our school community. 

 At the assembly Mrs Connell spoke about acts of kindness,( classes had celebrated World Kindness Day on Wednesday ) and putting acts of kindness into practice in our everyday lives. Everyone was encouraged to think ,to be kind and respectful of each other at school and at home. 

Well done to Ms McGillen on her wonderful act of kindness .

We love her new hairstyle!