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Rathcormac National School, Tully, Rathcormac, Co. Sligo
Grandparents Day will be celebrated on Thursday 23rd January 2025 at 1.00pm in the Hall. Light refreshments will be served. All are welcome.
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Sligo Schools Cross Country

4th Oct 2023

Rathcormac N.S. held the annual Sligo Schools Cross Country Competition on Saturday 30th of September.

Cross Country is an event where you run a distance of either 1.2km or 1km of steep hills and muddy pathways. It is a great way to stay active. Cross country is tough but very rewarding as you get to have a fun day with your friends. On the day before cross country participants got a jersey and a number, you pin that number to your jersey and they write down your number once you finish the race. When you start the race the key thing to do is to get out of the crowd of competitors. When you get to the end of the race, it is best to speed up so you can get as far ahead as possible. 

On the day, the first race was the junior girls,  which we had three teams entered in. The next race involved the junior boys, in which we had four teams. After that we had the senior girls, where we had one team entered. Finally, was the senior boys, and in that race we had two teams. 

Lastly the weather on the day was terrible! It was very wet and raining for the entire event, but that didn’t stop the competitors! 

Everyone had a good time even with the tough conditions. Rathcormac runners participated brilliantly and a number of our students will compete in the Connacht Cross Country Competition on Wednesday the 11th in Tuam. Well done to everyone that took part and a big thank you to the organisers and supporters. 

Slan go foill,

Heather Anne Devaney & Eve O' Callaghan