Access Keys:

Rathcormac National School, Tully, Rathcormac, Co. Sligo

Sligo Woodland School Trip

22nd Oct 2024
On Monday morning, second class headed off on the bus to Sligo Woodland School. We had a fantastic morning exploring the woods and doing lots of fun activities. This trip linked with our Creative Cluster project and the theme of 'Old School in Modern Day'.
We started off in the poly tunnel doing some arts and crafts. We then learned how to make Bow and Arrows. The children then headed off up to the woods, where we had a picnic. We learned all about the different types of trees in the woods and identified their leaves. We played lots of games. The children learned about foraging and mining. We collected rushes and using clay we created our very own Ancestral Lamps which lit up the forest. We finished off our day by sitting around the camp fire and roasting marshmallows. What a great way to start the week!!