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Rathcormac National School, Tully, Rathcormac, Co. Sligo

St Brigid's Day

31st Jan 2025

One of the lovely traditions we have  in our school is the making of crosses each year to celebrate St Brigid’s Day. The children had the opportunity to gather suitable rushes at home in recent days and these rushes were used by the whole school in the hall on Friday the 31st January.

Our Senior classes buddied with our junior classes ,working together to create a cross for each child . Some children found they had a natural aptitude for this task whilst others found it more challenging. Others developed their skills as the sessions progressed. Thank you to all the children who helped their peers and younger children in the school.

A big thank you to Fr Tom who blessed all the crosses at two special prayer service in honour of St Brigid. 

The children learned a St Brigid’s song which tells a story of her life and welcomes Spring.It was great to hear this song in so many classes around the school all week.

 Happy St Brigid’s Day to all our pupils , parents ,staff and friends. Enjoy the long weekend.