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Rathcormac National School, Tully, Rathcormac, Co. Sligo
Enrolment We will be accepting enrolment applications from the 4th of February to the 4th of March 2025.Please contact school office on for further details.If your child is named on our intake list for this year you will automatically be contacted on 4th February.Thanking you
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News Nuacht - Homepage

2022/2023 School Year

21st May 2023
On Tuesday 16th of May we welcomed The ARC to our school for a fascinating, futuristic...
19th May 2023
Last Thursday, Third Class enjoyed the first day of their cycling course, which...
19th May 2023
Is maith linn an Ghaeilge- píosa beag gach lá.
19th May 2023
4th class spent a beautiful afternoon exploring the biodiversity surrounding our...
16th May 2023
Well done to our Boys football team on a great display of skill and determination...
15th May 2023
4th class used watercolours in our painting. They turned out really well. We also...
12th May 2023
 Seo iad na buaiteoirí an tseactain seo.Tá na páistí...
12th May 2023
The school was a sea of black and white today as we showed our support for the Sligo...
12th May 2023
On Thursday 11th May 6th class travelled to Rosses Point for a guided tour of the...
11th May 2023
The school is full of colour, as summer trends brighten each room. Flowers, birds...